Woofing heck, it’s Monday again. Mondays are usually grey, boring, and monotone. But there’s one woofing trick that always makes Mondays much more tolerable – dogs. Yes, we know you know dogs, obviously. Everybody knows about dogs. But did you know they can help your Monday look a lot brighter? Dogs can help do that to any day, but Mondays are usually the days that need that the most. Dogs bring bright bliss with their doofusness and with it, they can spread smiles all over any day. It’s like dogs have this happiness magic, and they are level-12 happiness wizards.
To spread this happiness all around we cannot just let the dogs out – but we can definitely spread a lot of a whole lot of wholesome happiness with dog memes. Dog memes can be weird, but they can spread smiles just like any other real doggo out there. Just as dogs are happiness-inducing, so do dog memes. We gathered some weirdly wholesome dog memes to help you manage this Monday with some whimsy doggo doofusness.