Hello dog devotees and pawrents of precious pooches! Despite this being a Monday, we’re delighted. The Monday mellows don’t affect us, because we have the best and most efficient shield against them. We bet you probably have it too, waiting to meet you back at home once you finish your workday, and that will greet you with tail-wagging happiness. Because, you know, we’re pretty sure you have a dog. Can we safely assume you’re a dog pawrent? We feel we can.
Dogs are the most efficient shield against the Monday mellows, and essentially any low mood times. Sure, good and bad times come and go, but dogs are such natural mood boosters it becomes much easier to get through a ruff patch of life. And despite this being a Monday, you can utilize the magical existence of the interwebs and scroll through some doofus dog memes, like the ones right below here, to have a similar mood-boosting effect that actual dogs have. It works wonders if you don’t have a dog in your immediate surroundings. Scroll down and boost your mood on this Monday.