Hello there, meowthers and feathers, or any other type of pawrents! How is your precious pet doing? Whether it’s a yapping colorful parrot baby, a humble nibbling hamster, a terrific turtle, a floppy fabulous frog, or even a hilarious horse – any pet is amazing to have around. Animals just make life better, they’re such good friends. And it doesn’t even matter what kind of animal they are – if they’re your friends, they’re your friends. You can be a friend with a friendly fluffy dog, but you can also be a friend with a cutie patootie parrot – they can both happen and be happy and hilarious friendships.
To celebrate all these fluffy and feathery friendships we gathered some delightful domesticated animal memes. They’re basically comedy gold served with precious pets, which is the most amazing combination for some Monday hilarity. And to be honest, all of us pet pawrents need some Monday hilarity, since we’ve all just begun the workweek – but all we want is to go back home to pet our pets. So… at least pet memes can pass the time with precious pet humor until we can go back to our actual pets.