As the Gen Z’ers say these days – you need to go out and touch grass. We’re so connected, and yet disconnected, all the time. It’s impawtant to turn off your phone, leave your computer at home, and go to reconnect with nature. You haven’t experienced true peace until you’re alone in a forest with nothing but the sounds of the world around you. No Facebook notifications, no Zoom calls, just you and the river running next to you and the wind rushing through the trees.
We know it’s not realistic to drop everything and immediately run into the forest and never look back. You’re probably reading this on your phone right now. But that doesn’t stop the fact that the peaceful power of nature still can’t help you feel a little more relaxed, even if it’s just on your device. This is why cottage core is such a thing now, the images themselves are calming because they remind us that we can exist in harmony with nature. Please enjoy these soothing nature posts and have a very calm rest of your week!