Another workday is here, and as much as much as we want to, we unfortunately cannot stay at home with our pets much longer. We have to go out to work. We have to provide. If we don’t, who is going to spoil our pets as much as they deserve to be spoiled? We have to think about them, not ourselves. We have to do the right thing. We have to go out of bed… in five minutes. First, we have to laugh at some animal memes. Because it’s good for our soul.
Every Wednesday morning, every week, every year, we bring you a bunch of new and hilarious animal memes to enjoy first thing in the morning. Because if we want our days to be productive, if we want to do right by our pets, then we have to make sure to start them on the right paw, to start them with a splendid smile, and the only thing that always does that for us is a bunch of animal silliness first thing. Have a good day, everyone!