Did you know, animal fam, that there are over 500 recognized breeds of chickens in the whole world? We didn’t, until we started doing our research for this listicle. Chickens are highly underrated animals, if you ask us. They are a crucial part of the farm ecosystem, they are surprisingly friendly, and they are some of the sassiest-looking birds in existence. Sure, your normal, everyday chicken isn’t anything to write home about, but the Polish Chicken and the Silkie Chicken? Now, that’s what we call posh poultry.
We’re sure this is a very eye-opening experience for you as we had no idea chickens could be so…mesmerizing. Now, we’re lowkey obsessed with these birds of a fancy feather and we think the whole world needs to know about these very fashionable borbs. These chickens aren’t just here to lay some eggs, they’re here to serve looks on the roostway and fill your day with feathery fun. Check them all out below and we hope your day is just as fabulous as these fancy chickens!