Animals make us laugh. It’s not the only reason why animals are so great, but it’s definitely one of the reasons why we love them so much. So, yes, animals make us laugh with just how awesome pawsome they are. Big animals, small animals, wild animals, or domesticated animals – we love them all.
We love the flapping flying birds who caw and chirp, looking at us with their strange and silly looks. We love the wonderfully wild animals that roar and growl, but somehow look so cute while doing so. We love our wholesome and delightful domesticated animals that live by our side, loving us as much as we love them, and making us laugh on a daily basis.
All animals are amazing just by existing. And the fact that they make us, humble hoomans, laugh? That’s the greatest bonus we can have in this world. That’s why animal memes are a complete celebration: a celebration of animals and nature, a celebration of comedy and laughs, and a celebration of you taking a chill break from this Fursday to look at some funny animal memes.