Much to my amazement, I now regularly read non-fiction. (I blame Barbara Tuchman.) After decades of struggling to finish fat, detailed non-fictional works, I find, at my nightly reading, I’m drawn towards such works. I’m on my third in six months and my TBR list of such tomes grows daily.
I also find I’m reading less romance–where I used to read two or three a week, I’m now reading two or four a month. I still enjoy, mostly, the genre, but it just doesn’t call to me in the way it once did. I find I’d rather read a good mystery or historical fiction.
And, for the first time in almost two decades, I’ve been picking up some actual books. Not many, true–mostly I still read on my iPad. But, each day, I read a chapter or two from books we’ve collected over the years. I’m currently really enjoying Marc Meyers’ Anatomy of a Song which is perfect to read peripatetically.
I’m not sure why my reading patterns have changed but I’m enjoying this new reading me.
Have your reading habits changed in the past decade? Do you gravitate to different genres or different ways of reading? What prompted the change?