Our story begins with two brave-hearted heroes–one man and one pinky-sized, unidentifiable mammal.
The man found the tiny little animal in his yard one morning. It was so tiny and pink, he had no idea what it was—just this squishy, shivering blob. He couldn’t tell if it was a mouse, a baby rabbit, or something else entirely. But instead of leaving it there, he decided to take it home and see if he could save it. He put it in a little box lined with soft fabric, kept it warm, and started feeding it milk with a dropper.
It was touch-and-go at first, but after a few days, the little guy started bouncing back. its tiny features became more recognizable and he was starting to get bigger and darker.
Eventually, fur started sprouting and finally, a fluffy little tail appeared. that’s when he realized—he’d been saving a baby squirrel this whole time.
That day he decided to name squirrel Richard, or Little Richy, and the two became best buddies.