Mike Mignola, who created the character in the pages of Dark Horse Comics, is co-writing the screenplay for the film alongside Chris Golden, who has collaborated with him on the comics in the past. Millennium Media is behind the production, with Ketchup Entertainment handling distribution.
Mike Richardson, Jeffrey Greenstein, Jonathan Yunger, Les Weldon, Rob Van Norden, and Yariv Lerner are on board as producers. Mignola, Avi Lerner, Trevor Short, Boaz Davidson, Tanner Mobley, Michael Müllner, Julia Müntefering, Lati Grobman, Christa Campbell, Gareth West, Artur Galstian, and Vahan Yepremyan serve as executive producers. Speaking to Deadline when the deal with Ketchup Entertainment was announced, Millennium Media’s President Jeffrey Greenstein had this to say about it:
“The Crooked Man is a departure from all previous Hellboy films where Mike Mignola and the creator of the comics will finally shepherd an authentic version of his stories and characters in film form. This is the first in the series of films that will captivate audiences in familiar (and new) ways.”
It sounds very much like the company plans to turn this into a series of films, assuming the first one is successful enough to warrant a continuation.