When you come across an animal in need, you don’t stop to think about ifs, ands, or buts. At least, we don’t. We act first and think later, especially if they are friend-shaped and clearly need some hooman assistance. That’s how we got one of our dogs when we were kids, our parents stopped the car during one drive home because our mom saw a puppy on the side of the road. She yelled, “STOP THE CAR!” and ran out to scoop up the puppy, look for the mom, and we immediately turned around and drove to the nearest vet. We named him Thunder because he was found in a thunderstorm.
When the woman in this post found a timid puppy in distress with an injured leg, she also acted first and thought later. She scooped up the “dog” and drove him to the nearest vet. Upon arriving, the vet took one look at the “dog” and told her that she had actually brought in a wild animal! Needless to say, everyone was very surprised. Read the full story below to understand everything about the howling “hound” that she rescued!