Are you a ‘Roar!’ kind of wild animal enthusiast or an ‘AAAAAAAAA’ kind of anxiety ball who just loves opossums and pangolins? Because both options are fine, no wrong answers here. And, to be honest, most people in the modern world are way more ‘AAA’ than the ‘Roar’ they’d like to think themselves as. Because when you think about it – most of us, humble hoomans, are doing the opossum ‘AAA’ for most of our days, when we would actually like to have the confident lion’s ‘Roar’ attitude. But what can we say, most of us are running around our tails like a scaredy mouse.
But we know exactly what can make us feel like we have the attitude of a lion’s roar: the World Wild Web. Some totally wild and wacky animal memes straight from the woods of laughter. Some of them are really that ‘Roar!’, but some of them are all the ‘AAAAAAAAA’. It’s wild animal memes that are both relatable and that you can see something to aspire to in them.